Wild About Tulsa is a project of the Tulsa Beautification Foundation and the George Kaiser Family Foundation, supporting organizations of the Tulsa Community Foundation. The project’s mission is to beautify the City of Tulsa by turning the city’s overgrown right of ways and medians into wildflower sanctuaries.
Why Wildflowers?
- Wildflowers require very little maintenance. There are no fertilizers, no pruning, and no watering after the first initial planting. The only thing we rely upon is Mother Nature.
- Wildflowers are a sustainable form of landscaping.
- The project decreases the frequency the City of Tulsa needs to mow medians and right of ways.
- Reclaim Tulsa as “America’s Most Beautiful City“.
Sponsor an area in your community. Join the beautification effort!
Tax Deductible Sponsorship Plans
3 Year- $1,500.00 5 Year- $2,000.00
Wild About Tulsa partners with the city to make sure the areas we plant are viable medians or right-of-ways. We will then prep the area for planting and you or your group can sow the seeds yourself or we will happily do it for you.
This program is a sustainable beautification project; therefore we allow Mother Nature to take control of the project with minimal intervention from the Tulsa Beautification Foundation. During drought conditions, the seeds may go dormant and not grow till the following Spring. On the other hand, we could have great weather and have a record year for blooms. Because it can take up to three years for perennials to establish themselves, seeds that contain both perennials and annuals are sown for three consecutive years. If you would like to become a sponsor, please fill out the Wild About Tulsa Sponsorship Form and return it to the Tulsa Community Foundation, 7030 S. Yale Ave., Suite 600, Tulsa, OK 74136. Please write checks to Tulsa Beautification Foundation or you may pay online by clicking the “GIVE NOW” button above.
Covanta Tulsa Renewable Energy
Daughters of the American Revolution, Capt. Peter Ankney Chapter
Findeiss Family
Lot Maintenance of Oklahoma, Inc.
Philip and Miranda Kaiser Family Fund
Nancy Pfeifer
Bernard & Marcy Robinowitz
Ed and Michelle Stang
Rebecca and Tabitha Stang
Maxine & Jack Zarrow Foundation
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped beautify Tulsa this year!
Wild About Tulsa Sponsorship Form
If you have questions regarding this program, please contact wildabouttulsa@gmail.com or 918-494-8823.